Tuesday, August 19, 2014


I've been totally uninspired, and my shots show it. I've been telling Tess how much I wanted to do this when you're in a rut prompt from the click it up a notch site, so today she made me! I haven't been shooting for me, or even trying to find the beauty in things. I pushed through, we walked around a little town, took 10 steps and then tried to find something to photograph. While some were winners, others were not and thats okay! ;o) I made this collage from the shots I took!


  1. I just love them all!! It was sooo much fun, & we got a new job ;)

  2. These are great! Maybe I should try this..I need something that's for sure!

  3. YES love this so much. And also so jealous you have a photog friend to do it with! So did you go to a park or something and you just take 10 steps and take a picture? I definitely need to try this next weekend. LOVE the shots you got. (And clearly all of the 365 people need some motivation!)

  4. Great idea! You did awesome job (both of you)! I definitely need to try something like this!
