Saturday, March 8, 2014


After all my talk of it, I finally jumped on the Eat Your Beets, #thegreatgreenmarch, instagram challenge! I hope you'll join in too! She's got some great stuff on her blog, you can visit it here !! I wish I could change the angle of the blender in this photo and that the top wasn't crooked, oh well! I literally snapped one shot, and called it good!


  1. Thanks so much for sharing, Miranda! I'm so glad you're joining me this month. :)

    1. No, thank you for inspiring me to do was the push I've been needing! My little one is even giving them a go, not his favorite....yet, but we're on day 3!!! :o) Thank you for your sweet comment!

  2. I really like this photo with the black background. I would love to know more about the lighting here...I see there was some sort of artificial light camera right, but was this ocf or natural light. The lighting is really interesting, and I can't put my finger on it.

    1. I do mean it's interesting in a good way, by the way, I don't think I was very clear on that.

    2. It was natural light, just set up in front of a window real quick....the lighting you see is my kitchen light was on, I was just outside of the kitchen (I have an open concept house!) set up in front a window, the kitchen was to my it may have given some light,but I think its mainly a reflection?

  3. Love that you inspired me after being inspired lol its what keeps the world moving forward! Love the colors of fruit :)
